I B.COM ñ II Semester C204-Paper: Business Statistics and Mathematics 

Chapter 1: Determining the relation between Business Variables through Correlation Analysis. 
 10 Hrs 1.1 Karl Pearsonís Co-efficient of Correlation. 1.2 Spearmanís Rank Correlation 1.3 Co-efficient of Determination (r2

Chapter 2: Prediction of Business Variable through Regression Analysis. 10 Hrs 2.1 Meaning of Regression Analysis. 2.2 Regression Lines and Equations 2.3 Properties of Regression co-efficient and Application of Beta for Risk Management. 2.4 Regression Equation 2.5 Prediction of a Variable. Chapter 3:
Business Forecasting through Analysis of Time Series. 10 Hrs 3.1 Definition of Time Series, Application and its Components. 3.2 Measurement of Trend using Moving Averages. 3.3 Fitting a Straight Line Trend using Least Squares Method. Chapter 4: Arithmetic for Day-to-day Management of Business. 10 Hrs 
 4.1 Trade Discount. 
 4.2 Simple Interest.  

 4.3 Compound Interest. 
 4.4 Nominal and Effective Rate of Interest. Chapter 5: Arithmetic for Transactions with Banks. 08 Hrs 
 5.1 True Discount 
 5.2 Bankerís Discount 
 5.3 Bankerís Gain 
 5.4 Equated Due Date. 
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