1 Digital Forensic and Cyber Crime
Understanding Cyber Crime: Indian IT Act 2008 and amendments, categories of
cyber crimes ie., unauthorized access and hacking, virus, worms & Trojan attacks,
E-mail related crimes, Internet relay, chat relating crimes, sale of illegal articles,
online gambling, phishing, Intellectual property crimes, web defacement, DOS attack,
cyber stalking etc.,
2 Working with Windows and DOS Systems
Understanding File Systems, Exploring Microsoft File Structures, Examining NTFS
Disks, Understanding Whole Disk Encryption, Understanding the Windows Registry,
Understanding Microsoft Startup Tasks, Understanding MS-DOS Startup Tasks, and
Understanding Virtual Machines. Macintosh and Linux Boot Processes and File
Systems: Understanding the Macintosh File Structure and Boot Process, Examining
UNIX and Linux Disk Structures and Boot Processes, Understanding Other Disk
Structures. Free space Management Bit-Vector Linked List Grouping Counting
Efficiency & Performance Recovery Physical Damage Physical Damage Recovery Logical
Damage Logical, Damage Recovery.
3 Current Computer Forensics Tools:
Evaluating Computer Forensic Tool Needs, Computer Forensics Software Tools,
Computer Forensics Hardware Tools, Validating and Testing Forensics Software.
Data Acquisition: Understanding Storage Formats for Digital Evidence, Determining
the best Acquisition Method, Validating Data Acquisitions, Determining What Data to
Collect and Analyze, Validating Forensic Data, Addressing Data-Hiding Techniques,
Performing Remote Acquisitions. Performing RAID Data Acquisitions, Using Remote
Network Acquisition Tools, and Using Other Forensic Acquisition Tools. Recovering
Graphics Files: Recognizing a Graphics File, Understanding Data Compression,
Locating and Recovering Graphics Files, Identifying Unknown File Formats,
Understanding Copyright Issues with Graphics.
4. Audio /video forensics:
Spectrography – Conversion of different voice file formats in to forensic voice module
formats. Various types of spectrograms, spectrographic cues for vowels and
consonants. Speech analysis in forensic sciences. Speech synthesis by analysis,
Speech recognition and speaker identification. Fundamentals of Digital Signal
processing and communication system. Analogue and digital systems, Analogue
signal and digital signals, Analogue to digital and digital to analogue converters, need
and advantages of digital systems and digital signal processing. Forensic extraction
of video files from DVR and other storage media. Forensic examination of DVR
containing video footages, its frame analysis. Forensic examination and
authentication of meta data present in video/audio files. Enhancement of video/
Photo and its comparison/authentication.
5. Computer hardware/Software :
Hardware: Basic PC Components, Monitors, Keyboard, Storage devices :Hard Disk ;
Storage related simple problems, CD, Mother-board, Printers its classification etc,
OCR, OMR, BAR Code etc. Memory Hierarchies : Basics of Semiconductor Memories,
ROM Cells & Circuits, Address Decoding, Access Time, Examples of Integrated
Circuit ROMs, PROMs, EPROMs, EEPROM, Static Read/Write (RAM) Memory.CPU
;ALU, Components of CPU ; Register, Accumulator, IR, etc. Software Systemapplication
Software and their Examples in real life. Operating System and their
usage. Multitasking –Multiprogramming- Multiprocessing Operating System.
Introduction- Definition and Basic terminologies of trees and binary trees. Hash
Tables: Introduction- Hash Tables- Hash Functions and its applications. HASH
FUNCTIONS AND DIGITAL SIGNATURES-Authentication functions-Message
authentication codes-Hash functions-Hash Algorithms (MD5, Secure Hash
Algorithm)-Digital signatures (Authentication protocols, Digital signature Standard).
7. Mobile phone forensics:
mobile phone data acquisition through logical, physical and file system techniques,
forensic procedures, device data, external memory dump, evidences from memory
card, Android forensics: Procedures for handling an android device, imaging android
USB mass storage devices. Decrypting of encrypted files, analysis of .db files.
Recovering of files, Voice.
8. Escalating privilegesHiding
Files- Steganography technologies- Countermeasures. Ethical Hacking
9. Foot printing & Social engineering
Information gathering methodologies- Competitive Intelligence- DNS EnumerationsSocial
Engineering attacks. Analysis of Deep web/ dark web and silk road analysis.
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1 Digital Forensic and Cyber Crime
Understanding Cyber Crime: Indian IT Act 2008 and amendments, categories of
cyber crimes ie., unauthorized access and hacking, virus, worms & Trojan attacks,
E-mail related crimes, Internet relay, chat relating crimes, sale of illegal articles,
online gambling, phishing, Intellectual property crimes, web defacement, DOS attack,
cyber stalking etc.,
2 Working with Windows and DOS Systems
Understanding File Systems, Exploring Microsoft File Structures, Examining NTFS
Disks, Understanding Whole Disk Encryption, Understanding the Windows Registry,
Understanding Microsoft Startup Tasks, Understanding MS-DOS Startup Tasks, and
Understanding Virtual Machines. Macintosh and Linux Boot Processes and File
Systems: Understanding the Macintosh File Structure and Boot Process, Examining
UNIX and Linux Disk Structures and Boot Processes, Understanding Other Disk
Structures. Free space Management Bit-Vector Linked List Grouping Counting
Efficiency & Performance Recovery Physical Damage Physical Damage Recovery Logical
Damage Logical, Damage Recovery.
3 Current Computer Forensics Tools:
Evaluating Computer Forensic Tool Needs, Computer Forensics Software Tools,
Computer Forensics Hardware Tools, Validating and Testing Forensics Software.
Data Acquisition: Understanding Storage Formats for Digital Evidence, Determining
the best Acquisition Method, Validating Data Acquisitions, Determining What Data to
Collect and Analyze, Validating Forensic Data, Addressing Data-Hiding Techniques,
Performing Remote Acquisitions. Performing RAID Data Acquisitions, Using Remote
Network Acquisition Tools, and Using Other Forensic Acquisition Tools. Recovering
Graphics Files: Recognizing a Graphics File, Understanding Data Compression,
Locating and Recovering Graphics Files, Identifying Unknown File Formats,
Understanding Copyright Issues with Graphics.
4. Audio /video forensics:
Spectrography – Conversion of different voice file formats in to forensic voice module
formats. Various types of spectrograms, spectrographic cues for vowels and
consonants. Speech analysis in forensic sciences. Speech synthesis by analysis,
Speech recognition and speaker identification. Fundamentals of Digital Signal
processing and communication system. Analogue and digital systems, Analogue
signal and digital signals, Analogue to digital and digital to analogue converters, need
and advantages of digital systems and digital signal processing. Forensic extraction
of video files from DVR and other storage media. Forensic examination of DVR
containing video footages, its frame analysis. Forensic examination and
authentication of meta data present in video/audio files. Enhancement of video/
Photo and its comparison/authentication.
5. Computer hardware/Software :
Hardware: Basic PC Components, Monitors, Keyboard, Storage devices :Hard Disk ;
Storage related simple problems, CD, Mother-board, Printers its classification etc,
OCR, OMR, BAR Code etc. Memory Hierarchies : Basics of Semiconductor Memories,
ROM Cells & Circuits, Address Decoding, Access Time, Examples of Integrated
Circuit ROMs, PROMs, EPROMs, EEPROM, Static Read/Write (RAM) Memory.CPU
;ALU, Components of CPU ; Register, Accumulator, IR, etc. Software Systemapplication
Software and their Examples in real life. Operating System and their
usage. Multitasking –Multiprogramming- Multiprocessing Operating System.
Introduction- Definition and Basic terminologies of trees and binary trees. Hash
Tables: Introduction- Hash Tables- Hash Functions and its applications. HASH
FUNCTIONS AND DIGITAL SIGNATURES-Authentication functions-Message
authentication codes-Hash functions-Hash Algorithms (MD5, Secure Hash
Algorithm)-Digital signatures (Authentication protocols, Digital signature Standard).
7. Mobile phone forensics:
mobile phone data acquisition through logical, physical and file system techniques,
forensic procedures, device data, external memory dump, evidences from memory
card, Android forensics: Procedures for handling an android device, imaging android
USB mass storage devices. Decrypting of encrypted files, analysis of .db files.
Recovering of files, Voice.
8. Escalating privilegesHiding
Files- Steganography technologies- Countermeasures. Ethical Hacking
9. Foot printing & Social engineering
Information gathering methodologies- Competitive Intelligence- DNS EnumerationsSocial
Engineering attacks. Analysis of Deep web/ dark web and silk road analysis.
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