Value Added Elective Course
VAMD-011- First Aid and Emergency care
Course Description
This course enables students to have a better understanding and develop skill
in giving First Aid treatment in emergencies in either the hospital or the
Course objective
The objective of this course is student will be able to acquire knowledge and
demonstrate skill in providing First Aid treatment in emergencies that may be met
in any settings. The following are the objectives of course
1. Understand the scope of First Aid and role of First Aid
2. Comprehend the ways to manage and incident
3. Demonstrate the techniques of assessing a casualty
4. Describe the life saving measures for an unconscious casualty
5. Explain First Aid management for respiratory problems
6. Describe First Aid measures for wounds and circulation problems
7. Identify a bone joint and muscle injuries and provide appropriate First Aid
8. Describe First Aid process for the effects of heat and cold
9. Provide First Aid measures for foreign objects, poisoning bits and stings
10. Provide First Aid for emergency conditions
11. Identify and give First Aid treatment in community emergencies and natural
12. Describe the techniques and equipments for First Aid
Course outline
Unit -1- Becoming a First Aider,
What is a first aider?, How to prepare yourself, Protection from infection,
Dealing with a casualty, Requesting help, The use of medication, Remember your
own needs
Unit – II- Managing an incident
Action at an emergency, Traffic accidents, Fires, Electrical incidents, Water
incidents, Major incident/Mass casualties
Unit - III - Assessing a Casualty
Assessing the sick or injured, Mechanisms of injury, Primary survey,
Secondary survey, Head-to-toe examination, Monitoring vital signs
Unit - IV - The Unconscious Casualty
Breathing and circulation, Life-saving priorities, Unconscious adult,
Unconscious child, Unconscious infant, How to use an AED
Unit- V- Respiratory problems
The respiratory system, Hypoxia, Airway obstruction, Choking adult,
Choking infant, Choking child, Hanging and strangulation, Inhalation of fumes,
Drowning, Hyperventilation, Asthma, Croup, Penetrating chest wound
Unit - VI- Wounds and circulation
The heart and blood vessels, Bleeding and types of wound, Shock, Severe
external bleeding, Impalement, Amputation, Crush injury, Cuts and scrapes,
Bruising, Blisters, Infected wound, Foreign object in a wound, Scalp and head
wounds, Eye wound, Bleeding from the ear, Nosebleed, Knocked-out adult tooth,
Bleeding from the mouth, Finger wound, Wound to the palm, Wound at a joint
crease, Abdominal wound, Vaginal bleeding, Bleeding varicose vein
Unit - VII - Bone, Joint and muscle injuries
The skeleton, Bones, muscles and joints, Fractures, Dislocated joint, Strains
and Sprains, The nervous system, Head injury, Facial injury, Lower jaw injury,
Cheekbone and nose injury, Collarbone injury, Shoulder injury, Upper arm injury,
Elbow injury, Forearm and wrist injuries, Hand and finger injuries, Rib injury,
Fractured pelvis, Back pain, Spain injury, Hip and thigh injuries, Lower leg
injuries, Knee injury, Ankle injury, Foot and toe injuries, Cramps
Unit- VIII - Effects of heat and cold
The skin, Assessing a burn, Severe bums and scalds, Minor bums and
scalds, Bums to the airway, Electrical burn, Chemical burn, Chemical bum to the
eye, Flash bum to the eye, Incapacitant spray exposure, Dehydration, Sunburn,
Heat exhaustion, Heatstroke, Hypothermia, Frostbite
Unit - IX - Foreign objects, poisoning, bites & stings
The sensory organs, Splinter, Embedded fishhook, Swallowed foreign
object, Foreign object in the eye, Foreign object in the ear, Foreign object in the
nose, How poisons affect the body, Types of poisons, Swallowed poisons, Drug
poisoning, Alcohol poisoning, Animal and human bites, Insect sting, Tick bite Other
bites and stings, Snake bite, Stings from sea creatures, Marine puncture wound.
Unit - X - Medical conditions
Angina, Heart attack, Stroke, Diabetes mellitus, Hyperglycemia,
Hypoglycemia, Seizures in adults, Seizures in children, Fever meningitis, Fainting,
Allergy, Anaphylactic shock, Headache, Migraine, Sore throat, Earache and
toothache, Abdominal pain, Vomiting and diarrhea, Childbirth, Emergency
Unit- XI - Techniques and Equipment
Removing clothing, Removing headgear, Casualty handling, First aid
materials, Dressings, Cold compresses, Principles of bandaging, Roller bandages,
Tubular gauze bandages, square knots, hand and foot cover, Arm sling, Elevation
sling, improvised slings.
Unit - XII - Emergency First Aid
Action in an emergency, CPR for an adult, chest compression only CPR, CPR for an
infant, child, Community emergencies such as fire explosions, earth quakes, flood
and famine
Unit tests, term examinations and assignments
1. Test papers
2. Final practical + oral test
1. The authorized manual of St. John Ambulance, St. Andrew's Ambulance
association and the British red cross society, First Aid manual, 9th edition, Dorling
Kindersley, London
2. American college of emergency physicians, First Aid manual, 5th edition, Dorling
Kindersley, London
3.Clement Text book on First Aid & Emergency Nursing, First edition, JP brothers,
4. Philip Jevon, Emergency care and First Aid for Nurses, A practical guide,
Churchill Living Stone, 2007
Value Added Elective Course
VAMD-011- First Aid and Emergency care
Course Description
This course enables students to have a better understanding and develop skill
in giving First Aid treatment in emergencies in either the hospital or the
Course objective
The objective of this course is student will be able to acquire knowledge and
demonstrate skill in providing First Aid treatment in emergencies that may be met
in any settings. The following are the objectives of course
1. Understand the scope of First Aid and role of First Aid
2. Comprehend the ways to manage and incident
3. Demonstrate the techniques of assessing a casualty
4. Describe the life saving measures for an unconscious casualty
5. Explain First Aid management for respiratory problems
6. Describe First Aid measures for wounds and circulation problems
7. Identify a bone joint and muscle injuries and provide appropriate First Aid
8. Describe First Aid process for the effects of heat and cold
9. Provide First Aid measures for foreign objects, poisoning bits and stings
10. Provide First Aid for emergency conditions
11. Identify and give First Aid treatment in community emergencies and natural
12. Describe the techniques and equipments for First Aid
Course outline
Unit -1- Becoming a First Aider,
What is a first aider?, How to prepare yourself, Protection from infection,
Dealing with a casualty, Requesting help, The use of medication, Remember your
own needs
Unit – II- Managing an incident
Action at an emergency, Traffic accidents, Fires, Electrical incidents, Water
incidents, Major incident/Mass casualties
Unit - III - Assessing a Casualty
Assessing the sick or injured, Mechanisms of injury, Primary survey,
Secondary survey, Head-to-toe examination, Monitoring vital signs
Unit - IV - The Unconscious Casualty
Breathing and circulation, Life-saving priorities, Unconscious adult,
Unconscious child, Unconscious infant, How to use an AED
Unit- V- Respiratory problems
The respiratory system, Hypoxia, Airway obstruction, Choking adult,
Choking infant, Choking child, Hanging and strangulation, Inhalation of fumes,
Drowning, Hyperventilation, Asthma, Croup, Penetrating chest wound
Unit - VI- Wounds and circulation
The heart and blood vessels, Bleeding and types of wound, Shock, Severe
external bleeding, Impalement, Amputation, Crush injury, Cuts and scrapes,
Bruising, Blisters, Infected wound, Foreign object in a wound, Scalp and head
wounds, Eye wound, Bleeding from the ear, Nosebleed, Knocked-out adult tooth,
Bleeding from the mouth, Finger wound, Wound to the palm, Wound at a joint
crease, Abdominal wound, Vaginal bleeding, Bleeding varicose vein
Unit - VII - Bone, Joint and muscle injuries
The skeleton, Bones, muscles and joints, Fractures, Dislocated joint, Strains
and Sprains, The nervous system, Head injury, Facial injury, Lower jaw injury,
Cheekbone and nose injury, Collarbone injury, Shoulder injury, Upper arm injury,
Elbow injury, Forearm and wrist injuries, Hand and finger injuries, Rib injury,
Fractured pelvis, Back pain, Spain injury, Hip and thigh injuries, Lower leg
injuries, Knee injury, Ankle injury, Foot and toe injuries, Cramps
Unit- VIII - Effects of heat and cold
The skin, Assessing a burn, Severe bums and scalds, Minor bums and
scalds, Bums to the airway, Electrical burn, Chemical burn, Chemical bum to the
eye, Flash bum to the eye, Incapacitant spray exposure, Dehydration, Sunburn,
Heat exhaustion, Heatstroke, Hypothermia, Frostbite
Unit - IX - Foreign objects, poisoning, bites & stings
The sensory organs, Splinter, Embedded fishhook, Swallowed foreign
object, Foreign object in the eye, Foreign object in the ear, Foreign object in the
nose, How poisons affect the body, Types of poisons, Swallowed poisons, Drug
poisoning, Alcohol poisoning, Animal and human bites, Insect sting, Tick bite Other
bites and stings, Snake bite, Stings from sea creatures, Marine puncture wound.
Unit - X - Medical conditions
Angina, Heart attack, Stroke, Diabetes mellitus, Hyperglycemia,
Hypoglycemia, Seizures in adults, Seizures in children, Fever meningitis, Fainting,
Allergy, Anaphylactic shock, Headache, Migraine, Sore throat, Earache and
toothache, Abdominal pain, Vomiting and diarrhea, Childbirth, Emergency
Unit- XI - Techniques and Equipment
Removing clothing, Removing headgear, Casualty handling, First aid
materials, Dressings, Cold compresses, Principles of bandaging, Roller bandages,
Tubular gauze bandages, square knots, hand and foot cover, Arm sling, Elevation
sling, improvised slings.
Unit - XII - Emergency First Aid
Action in an emergency, CPR for an adult, chest compression only CPR, CPR for an
infant, child, Community emergencies such as fire explosions, earth quakes, flood
and famine
Unit tests, term examinations and assignments
1. Test papers
2. Final practical + oral test
1. The authorized manual of St. John Ambulance, St. Andrew's Ambulance
association and the British red cross society, First Aid manual, 9th edition, Dorling
Kindersley, London
2. American college of emergency physicians, First Aid manual, 5th edition, Dorling
Kindersley, London
3.Clement Text book on First Aid & Emergency Nursing, First edition, JP brothers,
4. Philip Jevon, Emergency care and First Aid for Nurses, A practical guide,
Churchill Living Stone, 2007